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This may be spam call.", "value": "18-october-2019", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/18-october-2019.html" }, { "title": "U Mobile is currently in the process of expanding our own network in East Malaysia, as part of this process, there may be some network disruptions in your area.", "value": "23-september-2019", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/23-september-2019.html" }, { "title": "The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be conducting the Hand Phone Users Survey 2018 from 12 November 2018 to 12 December 2018.", "value": "12-november-2018", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/12-november-2018.html" }, { "title": "The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be conducting the following surveys to collect data pertaining to access and usage of Internet and radio in Malaysia.", "value": "06-march-2018", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/06-march-2018.html" }, { "title": "U Mobile takes data security seriously. With cyber intrusions becoming more common affecting large organisations globally, the industry has been working hard to continuously ensure that our customers’ information is protected from unauthorized access.", "value": "21-november-2017", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/21-november-2017.html" }, { "title": "The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be conducting the following surveys to collect data pertaining to access and usage of hand phones and Internet in Malaysia.", "value": "07-august-2017", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/07-august-2017.html" }, { "title": "Beware of fraudulent voice calls. Recently some syndicates overseas have been defrauding mobile phone users using \"missed called\" method. ", "value": "11-april-2017", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/11-april-2017.html" }, { "title": "We regret to inform our customers that due to an IT system error, there were inaccuracies in U Mobile's March postpaid bills dated 15th March 2017. ", "value": "15-march-2017", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/15-march-2017.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is launching the Survey on Broadcasting Services (Radio and TV) 2017 from 1 February 2017 until 30 June 2017. ", "value": "01-february-2017", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/01-february-2017.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is launching the Internet Users Survey (IUS) 2016. Canvassing period is from 14 November 2016 until 31 January 2017.", "value": "14-november-2016", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/14-november-2016.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is extending the Mobile Broadband Survey 2016. Canvassing period is from 9 August 2016 until 31 October 2016.", "value": "08-august-2016", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/08-august-2016.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Mobile Broadband Survey 2016. Canvassing period is from 26 January 2016 until 29 February 2016. ", "value": "26-january-2016", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/26-january-2016.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Consumer Satisfaction Survey 2016. Canvassing period is from 10 March 2016 until 30 June 2016.", "value": "23-january-2016", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/23-january-2016.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Internet Users Survey 2015. Canvassing period is from 24 October 2015 until 24 December 2015. ", "value": "23-october-2015", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/23-october-2015.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Internet Users Survey 2015 and Hand Phone Users Survey 2015. Canvassing period is from 23 May 2015 until 30 August 2015.", "value": "22-may-2015", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/22-may-2015.html" }, { "title": "Please be informed that effective 12 February 2015, the video mail service will no longer be available. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.", "value": "12-february-2015", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/12-february-2015.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Consumer Satisfaction Survey 2015. Canvassing period is from 24 January 2015 until 30 April 2015.", "value": "23-january-2015", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/23-january-2015.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be extending the Hand Phone Users Survey 2014. Canvassing period will be extended until 30th November 2014.", "value": "31-october-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/31-october-2014.html" }, { "title": "The 10% IDD Top Up Bonus has ended effective 5 September 2014. Stay tuned for more upcoming promotions.", "value": "17-september-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/17-september-2014.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Hand Phone Users Survey 2014. Canvassing period is from 16 August 2014 until 31 October 2014.", "value": "15-august-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/15-august-2014.html" }, { "title": "Please note that effective 15thAugust 2014, Free 10MB High Speed Internet will no longer be available for top up below RM30.", "value": "15-august-20141", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/15-august-20141.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Internet Users Survey 2014. Canvassing period is from 28 June 2014 until 31 August 2014. ", "value": "27-june-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/27-june-2014.html" }, { "title": "We take your privacy seriously and will only disclose your personal data when necessary and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. ", "value": "11-june-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/11-june-2014.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is conducting the Broadband Survey 2014. Canvassing period is from 12 April 2014 until 30 June 2014.", "value": "12-april-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/12-april-2014.html" }, { "title": "Effective 1 April 2014, the deactivation period for all U Mobile Prepaid Plans will be 60 days.", "value": "24-march-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/24-march-2014.html" }, { "title": "Effective 8 January 2014, changes to the existing U Prepaid Plan are as follows", "value": "08-january-2014", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/08-january-2014.html" }, { "title": "Effective 8 January 2014, credit validity for all Existing and New Prepaid Plans will be 2x longer.", "value": "08-january-20141", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/08-january-20141.html" }, { "title": "Effective 11th Dec 2013, 018 Plan subscribers will automatically be upgraded to our U Prepaid Plan to enjoy better call and SMS rates.", "value": "11-december-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/11-december-2013.html" }, { "title": "Dear Valued Customer, As part of our effort to further improve our service, please be informed that we are undergoing scheduled maintenance from Saturday 26th Oct (10pm) until Sunday 27th Oct (1pm).", "value": "25-october-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/25-october-2013.html" }, { "title": "The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will be conducting the Internet Users Survey 2013 to collect data related to usage of Internet.", "value": "18-october-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/18-october-2013.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) is conducting the Hand Phone Users Survey 2013. ", "value": "23-august-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/23-august-2013.html" }, { "title": "Effective 27 July 2013, our new data Pay As You Use (PAYU) rate will be charged at RM0.10/MB. Applicable to both postpaid and prepaid plans.", "value": "27-july-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/27-july-2013.html" }, { "title": "As part of our effort to further improve our service, please be advised that scheduled maintenance will be conducted from 11pm on Saturday 20th April till 9am on Sunday 21st April.", "value": "18-april-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/18-april-2013.html" }, { "title": "This is to inform that the Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) is conducting the Mobile Broadband Users Survey 2013. ", "value": "21-february-2013", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/important-notices/21-february-2013.html" } ] }, { "title": "成为合作伙伴​", "value": "become-a-partner", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/become-a-partner.html", "isGroupLabel": true, "childList": [] }, { "title": "VoLTE", "value": "volte", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/volte.html", "isGroupLabel": true, "childList": [] }, { "title": "WiFi Calling", "value": "wifi-calling", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/wifi-calling.html", "isGroupLabel": true, "childList": [] }, { "title": "自助", "value": "self-help", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/self-help.html", "isGroupLabel": true, "childList": [ { "title": "账单支付方式", "value": "bill-payment-method", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/self-help/bill-payment-method.html" }, { "title": "了解您的后付账单", "value": "understand-your-bill", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/self-help/understand-your-bill.html" }, { "title": "0% 先买后付配套", "value": "easy-payment-plan", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/self-help/easy-payment-plan.html" } ] } ], "dropdownDefault": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support/self-help/understand-your-bill.html", "breadCrumbs": [ { "title": "服务中心", "url": "/content/u-mobile/ch/business/support.html" } ] }


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