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Sign Up for U Biz 98 Today!

Please complete the form provided below.

{ "formName": "DIGITAL_CC_FORM", "submitEndpoint": "/content/u-mobile/en/business/support/registration-form/register-ubiz-98/jcr:content/root/layout_container/background_content/layout_container/digital_roi_form_con_421390230.submit", "reCaptchaSiteKey": "6LeMFacbAAAAAEfU7KZwkk0q90WIljTbk90Rr_Fj" }


Please have the following supporting documents on hand to complete your registration:


  • Company Director / Owner NRIC
  • Authorized Letter
  • Company Documentation*
    Example: Form 49, Form 6, etc.
  • Tax Identification No. (TIN)*
  • SST Registration No. (if applicable)
  • Utility Bill/Bank Statement
    (applicable for Local Council/Trading License Number only)

Important Note:

For a seamless registration, ensure that all supporting documents indicated with * are uploaded.


{ "dataList": [{"label":"Yes","value":"yes","hideBackEnd":"COMPANY_DOC,COMPANY_SST_NO,BILL_STATEMENT"},{"label":"No","value":"no","hideBackEnd":"ACCOUNT_NUMBER"}], "defaultValue": "no", "isDisabled": false }
Are you an existing U Mobile subscriber?​ *

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please enter your account number

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please fill in PIC Name.

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 5, "max": 999, "regex": "^\\d+$" }, "regexProp": "^\\d+$" }

Contact Number is required.

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Delivery Contact Name is required.

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 5, "max": 999, "regex": "^\\d+$" }, "regexProp": "^\\d+$" }

Contact Number is required.

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please fill in this field.

{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 1, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "PIC-NRIC" }


Click here for sample.

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 1 file.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 1, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "AUT-NRIC" }

Company Director / Owner NRIC

Click here for sample.
Required if PIC is not the Company director/ owner.

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 1 file.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 1, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "AUT-LTR" }

Authorized Letter

Click here for sample.
Required if PIC is not the Company director/ owner.

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 1 file.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}


{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please fill in this field.

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 4, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please fill in this field.

Please enter the correct format. (eg. x@x.xx)

{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": true, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

Please fill in this field.

{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 2, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "CO-DOC" }

Company Document *

Click here for sample.

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 2 files.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 2, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "TIN" }

Tax Identification Number (TIN) *

Click here for sample.

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 2 files.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 2, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "SST" }

SST Registration Number (if applicable)

Visit https://mysst.customs.gov.my > Registration Status

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 2 files.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "isDisabled": false, "MAX_FILE_COUNT": 2, "MAX_FILE_SIZE": 5, "ALLOW_FILE_EXTENSION": "pdf,jpeg,jpg", "fileNamePrefix": "UT-BS" }

Utility Bill/Bank Statement

(Only applicable for Local Council License/Trading License Number)

  to upload or drag & drop it here

PDF or JPEG only, up to 5MB per file

  • {{fileObj.file.name}}

Please upload at least 1 file for this field.

Too many files uploaded, please upload a max of 2 files.

File is too large, max file size is 5 MB per file.

  1. {{index + 1}}. {{fileObj.fileName}}
{ "internalValue": "", "isDisabled": false, "rules": { "required": false, "min": 0, "max": 999, "regex": " " }, "regexProp": " " }

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{ "siteTheme": "theme-business" }

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