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U Mobile’s Latest Unlimited 5G Weekends Offers Ultra-Fast 5G Speeds Every Saturday And Sunday At No Extra Cost! 

  • U Mobile launches free Unlimited 5G Weekends for prepaid customers
  • Unlimited 5G Weekends enables customers to enjoy uncapped 4G and 5G speeds every Saturday and Sunday on Prepaid U35 


Kuala Lumpur, 23 November 2022 – To celebrate the commercial launch of 5G, U Mobile is introducing free Unlimited 5G Weekends for its prepaid customers on Prepaid U35 and the newly launched Prepaid U40 plan. Unlimited 5G Weekends enables Prepaid U35 and Prepaid U40 customers to enjoy unlimited 5G or 4G uncapped high-speed data every weekend, starting from midnight every Saturday, ending at 11.59pm every Sunday. In order for customers to enjoy 5G uncapped speeds, customers must be within a 5G network coverage area with a compatible device. For customers who are not located within a 5G network area or do not own a compatible device, they will still be able to enjoy uncapped data speeds on U Mobile’s 4G network. To experience Unlimited 5G Weekends for free, customers just need to redeem it weekly via the MyUMobile app.


Besides Prepaid U35, free Unlimited 5G Weekends is also available with the newly launched Prepaid U40 plan. Priced at RM40 monthly, Prepaid U40 not only offers customers unlimited data and unlimited calls, it also provides unlimited hotspot so customers can share their data across multiple devices. Customers on selected U Mobile prepaid plans (such as U25, U35, and more) may also purchase Unlimited Hotspot as an add-on at RM5 for 30 days. Besides Unlimited Hotspot, prepaid customers who are keen to experience 5G uncapped high speeds may also now purchase 5G Daily or Weekly Plans starting from just RM3 per day.


For more info on Unlimited 5G Weekends and all of U Mobile’s prepaid offerings, visit www.u.com.my

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