Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access inflight Internet?
How can I access inflight Internet?
What is AirAsia WiFi?
What are the AirAsia WiFi Internet Plans offered?
Who can purchase the AirAsia WiFi Internet Plan via U Mobile?
How do I purchase the AirAsia WiFi Internet Plan via U Mobile?
I received a PIN via SMS from U Mobile for AirAsia WiFi. What should I do?
I received a PIN via SMS from U Mobile for AirAsia WiFi. What should I do?
How do I know if I have successfully purchased the AirAsia WiFi Internet Plan via U Mobile?
What happens if I have reached the allocated data quota?
I have only used half of my plan’s data on this flight. Can I use the remaining data on another flight?
If I have not used the newly purchased plan, can I use it on my next flight?
What is the Internet connection speed?
What do I need to do to use the WiFi service?
When can I start using the AirAsia WiFi during my flight?
Is this service safe and approved to use on board the aircraft?
How do I contact you?
Do all AirAsia flights have this AirAsia WiFi service?
I bought an AirAsia WiFi plan but was unable to connect to WiFi. How do I request a refund?

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