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Voicemail is similar to an automated answering machine whereby it allows customers to store and manage voice messages. Callers can leave a voice message when customers are unavailable, out of coverage or are engaged.
Voicemail acts like a personal answering machine which receives incoming calls when you are unreachable and keeps you notified of them.
Call 1311 from your mobile phone and go into the 'Personal Options' menu. You can create a new PIN code from the Personal Options menu or you can call our Contact Center to request for the PIN to be reset to default.
You are allowed to store up to 5MB worth of messages, regardless of whether they are heard or unheard messages. You can also receive up to 25 Voicemails if you do not have Videomails.
Kindly call our Contact Centre or send us an email at customer.service@u.com.my to seek assistance.
No. Only one message/greeting may be recorded for all incoming calls.
You can change your personal message/greeting as many times as you wish.
You will see a text notification saying, 'New Text Message from 1311' displayed on your mobile.
There is no service disruption while on roaming.
Your Voicemail messages are kept for 5 days upon retrieving. It will automatically be deleted after the 5th day.
Yes. You will be alerted when you retrieve your Voicemail messages via 1311.
You can change your PIN code as long as you are able to access the Voicemail service.
If you are retrieving your voice messages in Malaysia, local call charges will apply.
Yes, you can. After listening to the voice message, you have the option to return a call to the sender.
Yes, you will be charged each time you retrieve your Voicemail message based on per retrieval.
If no one answers after a period of time, the caller will hear a busy tone.
Besides inserting your USIM card into another mobile phone, you can also access your Voicemail from any mobile phone or fixed line. Just dial your own number and press (*) twice. You will then be asked to key in your PIN if you have set one for your Voicemail mailbox.
Yes, you can deactivate this service by contacting our U Mobile Customer Service at 018 388 1318.
Yes. You will be charged for returning calls through the Voicemail mailbox based on the voice call charges of the plan you subscribed.
No, there is no charge for re-activation.
It will be reflected as a normal voice call.
Yes, you will receive a notification in the form of an SMS even when you are roaming.
No. Once the voice message has been deleted, you will not be able to recover it.
Information such as the caller’s number, day/date and time will be available when retrieving the voice message.
It will be reflected as 'Voicemail' under the 'Call To' column.
The maximum duration for a voice message is 40 seconds.
Yes, you will be charged & you will see two line items in your Postpaid bill.
The first charge is for receiving a call in a foreign country (IDD call from Malaysia to the foreign country).
The second charge is for forwarding the call to the Voicemail system in Malaysia (outgoing call from the foreign country to Malaysia).
Voicemail is similar to an automated answering machine whereby it allows customers to store and manage voice messages. Callers can leave a voice message when customers are unavailable, out of coverage or are engaged.
Voicemail acts like a personal answering machine which receives incoming calls when you are unreachable and keeps you notified of them.
Call 1311 from your mobile phone and go into the 'Personal Options' menu. You can create a new PIN code from the Personal Options menu or you can call our Contact Center to request for the PIN to be reset to default.
You are allowed to store up to 5MB worth of messages, regardless of whether they are heard or unheard messages. You can also receive up to 25 Voicemails if you do not have Videomails.
Kindly call our Contact Centre or send us an email at customer.service@u.com.my to seek assistance.
No. Only one message/greeting may be recorded for all incoming calls.
You can change your personal message/greeting as many times as you wish.
You will see a text notification saying, 'New Text Message from 1311' displayed on your mobile.
There is no service disruption while on roaming.
Your Voicemail messages are kept for 5 days upon retrieving. It will automatically be deleted after the 5th day.
Yes. You will be alerted when you retrieve your Voicemail messages via 1311.
You can change your PIN code as long as you are able to access the Voicemail service.
If you are retrieving your voice messages in Malaysia, local call charges will apply.
Yes, you can. After listening to the voice message, you have the option to return a call to the sender.
Yes, you will be charged each time you retrieve your Voicemail message based on per retrieval.
If no one answers after a period of time, the caller will hear a busy tone.
Besides inserting your USIM card into another mobile phone, you can also access your Voicemail from any mobile phone or fixed line. Just dial your own number and press (*) twice. You will then be asked to key in your PIN if you have set one for your Voicemail mailbox.
Yes, you can deactivate this service by contacting our U Mobile Customer Service at 018 388 1318.
Yes. You will be charged for returning calls through the Voicemail mailbox based on the voice call charges of the plan you subscribed.
No, there is no charge for re-activation.
It will be reflected as a normal voice call.
Yes, you will receive a notification in the form of an SMS even when you are roaming.
No. Once the voice message has been deleted, you will not be able to recover it.
Information such as the caller’s number, day/date and time will be available when retrieving the voice message.
It will be reflected as 'Voicemail' under the 'Call To' column.
The maximum duration for a voice message is 40 seconds.
Yes, you will be charged & you will see two line items in your Postpaid bill.
The first charge is for receiving a call in a foreign country (IDD call from Malaysia to the foreign country).
The second charge is for forwarding the call to the Voicemail system in Malaysia (outgoing call from the foreign country to Malaysia).
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