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Terms & Conditions

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Postpaid Plans U Biz Borneo 38
Monthly Fees  RM38
Networks U Mobile to U Mobile
U Mobile to Other Networks
Voice Unlimited
Data Unlimited
Mobile Hotspot / Data-Sharing Share from Data
Roaming Data N/A
Voice Mail(/call) 18sen
Video Call  18sen 30sen
SMS 15sen 15sen
MMS 20sen 30sen


  1. U Biz Borneo 38 plan (“U Biz Borneo 38”) is available as a stand-alone service only. U Biz Borneo 38 plan is supplied according to the Terms of Service in our Postpaid Sign-Up Form, which includes our Privacy Notice. These additional terms and conditions and any add-on services such as data and voice roaming are governed by separate terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms”), all of which are available on www.u.com.my.
  2. You can use U Biz Borneo 38 via smartphones only and no other devices, such as a MiFi and USB dongle. We may from time to time change the device requirements for U Biz Borneo 38 plan at our absolute discretion.


The Plan(s): U Mobile U Biz Borneo 38

You: Person(s) signing up for the U Mobile U Biz Borneo 38



  1. Monthly bundled all-net/other network minutes will be pro-rated if subscription period is less than a month.
  2. The voice service applies to domestic mobile, domestic fixed on-net and off-net usage and excludes video calls, MMS, International Direct Dial (IDD), International Roaming, Voicemail (1311) or calls to special numbers/premium numbers (e.g.: 1300 / 1500 / 1508 / 1600 / 1700 / 1900 / 103, 800 & 15999), 02-prefix numbers for border calls to Singapore and 080-prefix numbers for border calls to Brunei.
  3. All voice minutes bundled shall be used strictly as part of normal everyday mobile voice usage for individual subscribers and not for commercial use. The Service shall not be:
    1. re-sold, rented or utilised in any other way;
    2. used for multiple simultaneous calling, conference calling, re-supply, call centre usage, telemarketing, application-to- person communication, continuous calling for extended period of time, auto-dialling, machine-to-machine communication;
    3. used for wholesale or for SIM boxing or aggregate minutes on our network;
    4. used in connection with a device, software or application which re-routes calls;
    5. used to set up switch devices which could keep a line open potentially for hours and limiting the ability for other subscribers to access our network; or
    6. used for any other activity that U Mobile considers to be non-standard usage.



  1. Unlimited data usage for U Biz Borneo 38 is only available when you are in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.
  2. If you are in Peninsular Malaysia, 10GB data is allocated for your usage and will be refreshed monthly.
  3. Peer-to-peer (P2P) usage for U Biz Borneo 38 is not available.
  4. When there is a network failure, your normal (non-hotspot) data usage may inadvertently be deducted from your mobile hotspot quota. You acknowledge the possibility of this happening and agree not to hold us liable.
  5. Data is only applicable for domestic usage and will not be available when you are roaming overseas.


U Mobile Prepaid upgrade to U Biz Borneo 38

If you are an existing U Mobile Prepaid customer and you switch to U Biz Borneo 38, you may retain your phone number. Any content subscription services which were part of your previous Prepaid plan will be automatically terminated and any remaining or unused SMS, voice minutes or data allowance which you were entitled to under the previous Prepaid plan will be forfeited. However, any credit remaining, up to a maximum value of RM150, may be carried over to your U Biz Borneo 38 to offset your subsequent bill payments. Any credit balance exceeding the sum of RM150 will be automatically forfeited.


Monthly Fee/Upfront Advance Fee

  1. You must pay the Monthly Fee in full even if you do not use U Biz Borneo 38, to the full value of the service for the month, and no part of the Monthly Fee will be carried over to the following months. Any usage exceeding the Monthly Fee will be billed to you on monthly basis. Monthly Fee may be used interchangeably with Access Fee or Monthly Access Fee in www.u.com.my or in your bill.
  2. Charges for all other services not listed in Table A above, such as IDD and International Roaming will not be deducted from the Monthly Fee and will be charged separately in addition to the Monthly Fee. Unless specifically stated otherwise, monthly data and bundled minutes are only applicable for domestic usage and will not be available during Roaming.
  3. All prices stated in these Terms are exclusive of all current and future taxes and other similar charges such as service tax, goods and services tax, sales tax and value added tax that may be imposed by any authority.
  4. U Mobile reserves the rights at any time, without being liable to you or any third party, to interrupt, bar, suspend, restrict the Service(s) for such time as we see fit or terminate, discontinue, or disconnect the Service(s) if:
    1. U Mobile suspects that you have committed fraud;
    2. U Mobile finds that you have committed fraud; or
    3. despite our reminders, you have failed to remit the Monthly Fees of selected rate plan for a continuous period of two (2) consecutive months from the activation of the device plan or any other period as determined by U Mobile from time to time.
  5. If your device is blocked due to fraud or suspected fraud, you may be requested to contact U Mobile’s customer service for further instructions.
  6. You remain liable for the Monthly Fees if you lose your device, if your account is barred or suspended, or if your use of device is blocked, for any reason.


U Biz Borneo 38 Offer

  1. This U Biz Borneo 38 offer (“Offer") is provided by U Mobile Sdn Bhd Registration No. 199101013657 (223969-U) (“U Mobile”) which commences at 00:00 on 21 February 2024 and continues until further notice (“Offer Period”).
  2. To participate in this Offer, you must sign up for U Biz Borneo 38 during the Offer Period. You are entitled to receive RM10 rebate on your Monthly Fee throughout the Offer Period. The rebate will be reflected in your monthly bill.



Version Date: 21 February 2024

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