Find N5 5G
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Discover how U Mobile has uncovered 5G network’s benefits for healthcare, education, tourism and manufacturing industries.
5G connectivity helps to change the healthcare landscape through U Mobile's collaboration with MEDCOM, a 5G-enabled telemedicine device that acts as a secure gateway between patients and doctors. It seamlessly integrates and transmits high-definition data from various medical devices using 5G mobile connectivity to allow doctors to view real time, high-quality and ultra-reliable clinical, physiological and diagnostic parameters to guide management and decision making from distance.
The DOCpod by DoctorOnCall powered with U Mobile's 5G connectivity enables patients living in areas that have no access to medical doctors to receive face-to-face qualified medical advice.
FWA is available at a location that is fitted with a fixed wireless access router that receives 5G signal from a 5G telco tower. Once the signal is received, the router will be able to provide connectivity at 5G speed to all devices in the area, regardless of how many devices are connected.
In remote areas, FWA enables network operators to deliver high-speed internet to people, without having to lay and maintain fibre broadband.
5G will provide a new experience for Malaysians who love to travel and are always looking for their next destination! Instead of reading sites or watching videos about the destination, 5G will enable Virtual Tourism, where one can experience their destination remotely. With Virtual Tourism, those who may not have the opportunity to travel will be able to have an immersive experience and not miss out on all the benefits travel has to offer.
Security and safety are important to a manufacturing industry with thousands of staff. To enhance security and safety measures, U Mobile together with Huawei and Hotayi installed the Smart AI Facial Recognition and Thermal Recognition Solution powered by 5G at the entrance of Hotayi’s manufacturing plant.
Leveraging on 5G’s high bandwidth, Smart AI Facial Recognition Solution is able to process multiple faces and authenticate against Hotayi’s database in real time for security purposes; while Thermal Recognition Solution is able to detect the temperatures of up to 10 people at once, upload the data into the system and alert security of any abnormalities to prevent the potential of cross-infection. This solution tightens security and safety measures with greater efficiency.
81.5% 覆盖全马5G网络
无与伦比的No.1 5G网络覆盖,数百万马来西亚用户已连接。
U Mobile No.1 5G现已通过Standalone (SA)技术升级于部分5G手机,为云游戏、沉浸式媒体、机器人和网络切片提供更快速的响应时间及更高的数据传输速率。
揭秘5G vs 4G:了解5G如何全面升级您的网络体验。
加入U Mobile引领的5G浪革命——马来西亚No.1最快、最稳定的5G网络。
观看U Mobile——马来西亚No.1 5G网络如何赋能iContact项目。
在2023华为ICT峰会的5G展示区,探索U Mobile的智慧零售方案。
*公平使用政策 (FUP) 条款。
无论是 U PayLater 的 0% 分期付款或 U SaveMore 的超值手机优惠,与 U Postpaid 配套一同签购皆可享有无懈可击的优惠。
*点击此处以浏览更多的 5G 手机。
*点击此处以浏览更多的 5G 手机。
5G Network
Rapidly expanding. Check if 5G is available at your location.
4G Network
You have 4G coverage as your best available network.
Future Coverage
New coverage sites are in progress.
免责声明: 覆盖地图的准确性可能与DNB提供的内容有所不同。本地图仅供参考,并不作为服务可用性的保证。尽管U Mobile尽力提供准确信息,服务的可用性仍可能受到系统限制、网络流量、天气状况以及所使用调制解调器类型等因素的影响。
立即切换至U Mobile,体验No.1 5G网络!
5G SA 指的是 5G 独立组网(Standalone,SA)技术,可提供超快回应时间和更高速的数据网络,满足云游戏、沉浸式媒体、车辆或机器人控制等应用需求,并支持端到端网络分段(Network Slicing)功能。
要享受 5G SA,您需要签购符合资格的配套,并使用已更新至最新软件的兼容手机。
5G SA 适用于以下配套:
U Biz 98
U Premium
U Mobile 正在分阶段为用户推出 5G SA,敬请关注最新信息:www.u.com.my/ch/personal/get-5g
从 2022 年 11 月 3 日起,所有 U Postpaid 38、68、98 和 U FamilyShare 的用户都可以透过 5G 设备使用并体验 U Mobile 5G;而订阅 U Prepaid 配套的用户则可通过 MyUMobile App 免费领取每日的 Speed Booster 或 Unlimited 5G Weekends 拥有前所未有的5G体验。
签购以下配套的用户,并且拥有 5G 移动设备,皆可享有 U Mobile 5G。
U Postpaid 38
U Postpaid 68
U Postpaid 98
U Postpaid Borneo 38
U Postpaid Borneo 68
U FamilyShare
U Family 128
Unlimited Hero P139
U Prepaid 25
U Prepaid 35
U Prepaid 40
U Prepaid 50
U Prepaid Borneo 20
*用户可通过 MyUMobile App 免费领取每日极速和每周末 5G 无限量。
请注意,U Mobile 保留随时及即时修改、暂停或停止 5G 服务(全部或部分)的权利,恕不另行通知。