Find N5 5G
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1. These voice and data plans are available as a bundled service with a device or as a stand-alone service (Services) and are supplied in accordance with     the Terms of Service in our Postpaid Sign-Up Form. You must comply with those Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, the relevant Postpaid subscription plan     and these terms and conditions (collectively, the Terms) all of which are available on www.u.com.my. All applications for Services are subject to our     credit assessment and acceptance.
2. You have to pay the monthly access fee for the Services (Access Fee), even if you do not use the Services. Special number**, international direct dial and     international roaming for voice and data service are not part of the Access Fee and additional charges apply and may be changed at any time.
3. You must subscribe to the Services for a minimum of 18 or 24 months from the date of our acceptance of your application (Minimum Period) depending     on the Services subscribed. For Ultimate Device Plans, the Minimum Period is 24 months.
4. If you terminate the Services for any reason or if we terminate the Services because you have not complied with any of the Terms of Service in our     Registration Form including these terms and conditions, during the Minimum Period, cancellation charges made up of the Access Fee multiplied by the     remaining number of months of the Minimum Period (Cancellation Charges) are payable and you must pay all outstanding charges.
5. Depending on the Services subscribed, if the subscription plan requires that you purchase a device, you are to pay the price of the device offered by U Â Â Â Â Mobile together with an upfront payment during the process of registration. Upfront payment paid to us is non-refundable.
6. Handsets or Devices
a. You must have a device that is approved by us as suitable and compatible to access and use the Services or you may buy the device from us. For a     list of devices that are offered by U Mobile, please refer to www.u.com.my/phone-deals/all-devices.
b. We do not make any representations or give any warranties whether express or implied relating in way to the device that you buy from us or from     our dealers nor do we warrant the performance or suitability of your device on our network.
c. If you have bought any devices or accessories from us or our dealers, all claims relating to those products are covered by the warranty, if any,     offered by the relevant manufacturers. Any complaints or warranty claims must be referred to the relevant manufacturer and are subject to that     manufacturer’s terms.
d. If you choose to use your own device to access the Services, the operation of the device, and any repairs to it, is your responsibility.
7. The Services are subject to network availability. Surfing speeds are affected but not limited, by your distance from our mobile tower, the capacity of our     mobile tower, the source of your download, your hardware and software and the general Internet traffic.
8. If you exceed the allocated usage of the Services, additional charges will be imposed or if your data allowance is exceeded, we may at our absolute     discretion manage your bandwidth, suspend or terminate the Service including without limitation, reducing your speed. If you do not use the Services to     the value of the Access Fee for the month, no part of this Access Fee will be carried over to the following months. This Service is based on domestic     usage. Overseas roaming charges will be charged separately and will be calculated based on roaming charges as determined by our roaming partners     and are subject to additional terms and conditions that we may impose including payment of deposits.
9. We reserve the right to amend or change the tariffs at any time during the Minimum Period as we deem fit. We will provide you with a new rate plan if     you choose to continue with the Services when this rate plan expires. If you are not satisfied with the alternative rate plan, you may terminate this     Service by giving us the required notice.
10. We may monitor your account to ensure you are complying with the agreement. We will investigate misuse of the Services. If we find that you have     misused this Services we may recover from you any costs of investigating the misuse and any compensation we are required to pay to another user or     party as a result of your misuse.
11. You can port a phone number you have obtained from us to use with the service of another mobile service provider but you must settle all outstanding     charges before you are allowed to port. If you port out the phone number during the Minimum Period, you must pay the Cancellation Charges and all     outstanding charges.
12. We reserve the right to add, vary or amend these terms and conditions from time to time.
13. This rate plan cannot be combined with any other rate plans unless expressly stated.
14. ** Special number refers to toll free numbers and designated enquiry services number such as Telekom Malaysia’s directory services and Tenaga     Nasional Berhad.
Version : 14 February 2020
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